The West Covina Unified School District expects that users will treat each other with respect, courtesy and professionalism. The district social media accounts are regularly monitored by district staff from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Please be advised that any inappropriate posts will be removed immediately.
Inappropriate posts include those that:
- Contain content that is obscene, libelous, or so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of the school’s orderly operation.
- Posts that lack relation to the site’s purpose or violation of district policies, regulations or content guidelines, such as promoting a business or campaigning.
- By commenting or posting on social media, your name and content becomes public. Please do not include personal information such as student identification numbers, Social Security numbers, personal addresses or phone numbers, or driver’s license numbers.
Additional content that will be removed includes:
- An advertisement for a commercial business
- Slanderous, inflammatory or defamatory comments
- Incorrect information
- Information that violates student privacy under FERPA
- Comments that constitute discrimination or harassment
- Comments pertaining to violence
- Comments pertaining to political activity
- Comments that are not respectful
- Comments that are not relevant to the topic
- A commenter who is misrepresenting himself/herself
If you wish to contact the district regarding a potential violation of the community guidelines on the use of official district social media pages, please call (626) 939-4600 Ext. 4635 or send an email to