
A lot more goes on inside the classroom than reading, writing, and arithmetic. At MES we offer a variety of programs that encourage your child to push harder for the fun of it, provide extra support to keep on track, discover talents within themselves, and encourage positive behavior habits. 

Shared Theater Arts Grand Experience (STAGE)

3rd-5th grade students may participate in Annual Musical productions to stretch their musical theater skills! It's always an impressive show! 


Speech & Debate


Merced is home to STATE CHAMPIONS! Congratulations!!!


4th-5th grade students have the chance to learn the time-honored skill of Speech and Debate! This after school program is offered throughout the district. More information can be found here: Speech & Debate

Logo for district Speech and Debate Club

Other Enriching Activities

  • 5th Grade Outdoor Science School
  • Basketball Club
  • Track and Field Club
  • Panther PAWS Citizenship Program
  • Field Trips
  • Monthly Awards Assembly
  • Parent Workshops
  • Project-based Learning
  • Choir